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# Copyright (C) 2012 David Rusk
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to 
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Models for the data being analysed and manipulated.

@author: drusk

import random as rand

import pandas as pd

from pml.utils import plotting
from pml.utils.errors import InconsistentSampleIdError
from pml.utils.errors import UnlabelledDataSetError
from pml.utils.pandas_util import get_indices_with_value

[docs]class DataSet(object): """ A collection of data that may be analysed and manipulated. Columns are interpreted as features in the data set, and rows are samples or observations. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data, labels=None): """ Creates a new DataSet from data of an unknown type. If data is itself a DataSet object, then its contents are copied and a new DataSet is created from the copies. Args: data: Data of unknown type. The supported types are: 1) pandas DataFrame 2) Python lists or pandas DataFrame 3) an existing DataSet object labels: pandas Series, Python list or Python dictionary The classification labels for the samples in data. If they are not known (i.e. it is an unlabelled data set) the value None should be used. Default value is None (unlabelled). Raises: ValueError if the data or labels are not of a supported type. InconsistentSampleIdError if labels were provided whose sample ids do not match those of the data. """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): self._dataframe = data elif isinstance(data, list): self._dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data) elif isinstance(data, DataSet): self._dataframe = data._dataframe.copy() else: raise ValueError("Unsupported representation of data set") if isinstance(labels, list) or isinstance(labels, dict): self.labels = pd.Series(labels) elif isinstance(labels, pd.Series) or labels is None: self.labels = labels else: raise ValueError("Unsupported representation of labels") if (self.labels is not None and not (self.labels.index == self._dataframe.index).all()): raise InconsistentSampleIdError(("The sample ids for the data " "and the labels do not match."))
def __str__(self): """ Returns: This object's string representation, primarily for debugging purposes. """ return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): """ This gets called when the object's name is typed into IPython on its own line, causing a string representation of the object to be displayed. Returns: This object's string representation, providing some summary information about it to the user. """ def display(boolean): return "yes" if boolean else "no" return "\n".join(("Features: %s" % self.feature_list(), "Samples: %d" % self.num_samples(), "Missing values? %s" % display(self.has_missing_values()), "Labelled? %s" % display(self.is_labelled())))
[docs] def copy(self): """ Creates a copy of this dataset. Changes made to one dataset will not affect the other. Returns: A new DataSet with the current data and labels. """ def copy_if_not_none(copyable): return copyable.copy() if copyable is not None else None return DataSet(self._dataframe.copy(), labels=copy_if_not_none(self.labels))
[docs] def get_data_frame(self): """ Retrieve the DataSet's underlying data as a pandas DataFrame object. See also get_labelled_data_frame(). Returns: A pandas DataFrame with the DataSet's main data, but no labels. """ return self._dataframe
[docs] def get_labelled_data_frame(self): """ Retrieve the DataSet's underlying data as a pandas DataFrame object, including any labels. See also get_data_frame(). Returns: A pandas DataFrame with the DataSet's main data and the labels if they are present attached as the rightmost column. """ if not self.is_labelled(): return self.get_data_frame() return pd.concat([self.get_data_frame(), pd.DataFrame(self.labels)], axis=1)
[docs] def num_samples(self): """ Returns: The number of samples (rows) in the data set. """ return self._dataframe.shape[0]
[docs] def num_features(self): """ Returns: The number of features (columns) in the data set. """ return self._dataframe.shape[1]
[docs] def is_labelled(self): """ Returns: True if the dataset has classification labels for each sample, False otherwise. """ return self.labels is not None
[docs] def has_missing_values(self): """ Returns: True if the dataset is missing values. These will be represented as np.NaN. """ # isnull returns booleans for each data point (True if null). The # first any checks columns for any True, producing a 1d array of # booleans. The second any checks that 1d array. return pd.isnull(self._dataframe).any().any()
[docs] def feature_list(self): """ Returns: The list of features in the dataset. """ return self._dataframe.columns.tolist()
[docs] def get_sample_ids(self): """ Returns: A Python list of the ids of the samples in the dataset. """ return self.get_data_frame().index.tolist()
[docs] def get_labels(self, indices=None): """ Selects classification labels for the specified samples (rows) in the DataSet. Args: indices: list The list of row indices (0 based) which should be selected. Defaults to None, in which case all labels are selected. Returns: A pandas Series with the classification labels. """ if indices is None: return self.labels else: return self.labels.take(indices)
[docs] def get_feature_values(self, feature): """ Retrieves the set of values for a given feature. Args: feature: string The feature whose unique values will be retrieved. Returns: value_set: set The set of unique values for a feature. """ return set(self.get_feature_value_counts(feature).index)
[docs] def get_feature_value_counts(self, feature): """ Count the number of occurrences of each value of a given feature in the data set. Args: feature: string The feature whose values will be counted. Returns: value_counts: pandas.Series A Series containing the counts of each label. It is indexable by label. The index is ordered from highest to lowest count. """ return self.get_column(feature).value_counts()
[docs] def get_label_value_counts(self): """ Count the number of occurrences of each label. NOTE: If the data set is unlabelled an empty set of results will be returned. Returns: value_counts: pandas.Series A Series containing the counts of each label. It is indexable by label. The index is ordered from highest to lowest count. """ if self.is_labelled(): return self.labels.value_counts() else: return pd.Series() # blank result
[docs] def reduce_rows(self, function): """ Performs a row-wise reduction of the data set. Args: function: the function which will be applied to each row in the data set. Returns: a pandas Series object which is the one dimensional result of reduction (one value corresponding to each row). """ return self._dataframe.apply(function, axis=1)
[docs] def reduce_features(self, function): """ Performs a feature-wise (i.e. column-wise) reduction of the data set. Args: function: The function which will be applied to each feature in the data set. Returns: A pandas Series object which is the one dimensional result of the reduction (one value corresponding to each feature). """ return self._dataframe.apply(function, axis=0)
def _get_filtered_labels_if_exist(self, indices): """ Internal method used to filter the data set's labels if there are any. Args: indices: The indices of the labels to keep. Returns: labels: If the data set is labelled, this will be the labels at the specified indices. If the data set is unlabelled, None will be returned. """ return self.labels[indices] if self.is_labelled() else None
[docs] def sample_filter(self, samples_to_keep): """ Filters the data set based on its sample ids. Args: samples_to_keep: The sample ids of the samples which should be kept. All others will be removed. Returns: filtered: model.DataSet The filtered data set. """ return DataSet(self._dataframe.ix[samples_to_keep], self._get_filtered_labels_if_exist(samples_to_keep))
[docs] def value_filter(self, feature, value): """ Filters the data set based on its values for a given feature. Args: feature: string The name of the feature whose value will be examined for each sample. value: The value which all samples passing through the filter should have for the specified feature. Returns: filtered: model.DataSet The filtered data set. """ samples = get_indices_with_value(self.get_column(feature), value) return self.sample_filter(samples)
[docs] def label_filter(self, label): """ Filters the data set based on its labels. Args: label: Samples with this label value will remain in the filtered data set. All others will be removed. Returns: filtered: model.DataSet The filtered data set. Raises: UnlabelledDataSetError if the data set is not labeled. """ if not self.is_labelled(): raise UnlabelledDataSetError() return self.sample_filter(get_indices_with_value(self.labels, label))
[docs] def drop_column(self, index): """ Creates a copy of the data set with a specified column removed. Args: index: the index (0 based) of the column to drop. Returns: a new DataSet with the specified column removed. The original DataSet remains unaltered. """ return DataSet(self._dataframe.drop(index, axis=1), labels=self.labels)
[docs] def get_column(self, index): """ Selects a column from the data set. Args: index: The column index. If the columns are named, this is the column name. Otherwise it is the 0-based index. Returns: the columns at the specified index as a pandas Series object. This series is a view on the original data set, not a copy. That means any changes to it will also be applied to the original data set. """ return self._dataframe[index]
[docs] def set_column(self, index, new_column): """ Set the new values for a column. Can be used to create a new column. Args: index: The column index. If the columns are named, this is the column name. Otherwise it is the 0-based index. new_column: pandas.Series or compatible object The new column data to be placed at the specified index. """ self._dataframe[index] = new_column
[docs] def get_row(self, identifier): """ Selects a single row from the dataset. Args: identifier: The id of the row to select. If the DataSet has special indices set up (ex: through a call to load with has_ids=True) these can be used. The integer index (0 based) can also be used. Returns: A pandas Series object representing the desired row. NOTE: this is a view on the original dataset. Changes made to this Series will also be made to the DataSet. """ return self._dataframe.ix[identifier]
[docs] def get_rows(self, indices): """ Selects specified rows from the dataset. Args: indices: list The list of row indices (0 based) which should be selected. Returns: A new DataSet with the specified rows from the original. """ labels = self.labels.take(indices) if self.is_labelled() else None return DataSet(self._dataframe.take(indices), labels=labels)
[docs] def split(self, percent, random=False): """ Splits the dataset in two. Args: percent: float The percentage of the original dataset samples which should be placed in the first dataset returned. The remainder are placed in the second dataset. This percentage must be specified as a value between 0 and 1 inclusive. random: boolean Set to True if the samples selected for each new dataset should be picked randomly. Defaults to False, meaning the samples are taken in their existing order. Returns: dataset1: DataSet object A subset of the original dataset with <percent> samples. dataset2: DataSet object A subset of the original dataset with 1-<percent> samples. Raises: ValueError if percent < 0 or percent > 1. """ if percent < 0 or percent > 1: raise ValueError("Percentage value must be >= 0 and <= 1.") num_set1_samples = int(percent * self.num_samples()) if not random: set1_rows = range(num_set1_samples) set2_rows = range(num_set1_samples, self.num_samples()) else: all_rows = range(self.num_samples()) rand.shuffle(all_rows) set1_rows = all_rows[:num_set1_samples] set2_rows = all_rows[num_set1_samples:] return self.get_rows(set1_rows), self.get_rows(set2_rows)
[docs] def fill_missing(self, fill_value): """ Fill in missing data with a constant value. Changes are made in-place. Args: fill_value: The value to insert wherever data is missing. Returns: Void. The changes to the DataSet are made in-place. """ return self._dataframe.fillna(fill_value, inplace=True)
[docs] def combine_labels(self, to_combine, new_label): """ Combines classification labels to have some new value. For example, consider a dataset with labels "cat", "crow" and "pidgeon". Maybe you are only really worried about whether something is a cat or a bird, so you want to combine the "crow" and "pidgeon" labels into a new one called "bird". Args: to_combine: list The list of labels which will be combined to form one new classification label. new_label: string The new classification label for those which were combined. """ # pd.Series.replace returns a new Series, leaves original unmodified self.labels = self.labels.replace(to_combine, value=new_label)
[docs] def plot_radviz(self): """ Generates a RadViz plot of the data set. Radviz is useful for visualizing data with more than two dimensions. Returns: void, but a plot is generated. """ plotting.plot_radviz(self)
[docs]def as_dataset(data): """ Creates a DataSet from the provided data. If data is already a DataSet, return it directly. Use this instead of the DataSet constructor if you don't know whether your data is a DataSet already, but you don't want to create a new one if it already is. Args: data: Data of unknown type. It may be a Python list or pandas DataFrame or DataSet object. Returns: A DataSet object. If the data was already a DataSet then the input object will be directly returned. Raises: ValueError if the data is not of a supported type. """ if isinstance(data, DataSet): return data else: return DataSet(data)

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